I really feel that I’m tempting fate by even writing about this at this stage.

A couple of months ago, I entered two images into the first stage of judging for this year’s Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. One of them made it into the second round. So, tomorrow, I’ll travel down to London with the framed print of one of my favourite images to date, ‘Motion I’.

On Monday, I’ll make my way across London to Piccadilly to deliver it, no doubt alongside many other hopeful printmakers and artists, carrying similar packages on public transport or in taxis, to gather at the rear of the RA building to hand over our precious cargo. Although my print has made it to stage 2, there is absolutely no guarantee that it will be hung, as I think the judges have to decide if the image will work as part of their vision for the entire exhibition.

I’ll post again when I hear about the stage 2 judging!


Motion I: this image made it to second stage judging

'Geometry II'. Collagraph print.

Geometry II: a cyan blue coloured version of this image was not selected


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