I have a new show! Five Flexures and around 20 prints feature in a solo exhibition at The Hub, in Sleaford, Lincolnshire.

The Flexures were made especially for the show and gave me a chance to experiment further with the folding technique and how the faux metal leaf could be sealed onto the paper. For this, I used an ordinary quick dry gloss varnish (B&Q or Ronseal works nicely). In addition to sealing and protecting the paper against marking and other potential damage, the varnish increased the rigidity of the the paper, allowing me to fix the form of each one more easily and helping each flexure to stand unaided on the gallery’s plinths.

The show is one of the first to use the Hub’s beautiful new ground floor exhibition space. It has plinths, mobile wall units and traditional wall spaces, which create an interesting space to move around.

If you live in the area – or are close enough to consider visiting – please go along and let me know what you think.

For more information, go to The Hub’s website:

Ink, Metal, Paper, Print
15 Jan – 13 Mar 2022
Ground Floor Gallery
Private View: Fri 28 Jan 2022, 6–8pm – contact The Hub to get your invite

Navigation Wharf, Carre Street, Sleaford,
Lincolnshire, NG34 7TW
(Use NG34 7DW for Sat Navs)