As you’ll probably know, most artists want and are looking for appropriate ways to market and sell their work. I am no different.

The difficulty is always in finding a gallery that is not only prepared to take some of your work, but actively markets and promotes it. ‘Actively’ is the important thing here. I know that it takes effort, persistence and a definite strategy – relative to a gallery’s audience – to have any hope of being successful in selling an artist’s work. Additionally, I believe that the gallery has to actually like or love the work in order to do this. Unfortunately, in many instances, the love is not there, which can adversely affect how the work is treated by a gallery. These attitudes can influence the following:

– how and where the work is displayed
– how long promotions last
– promotion; in-person and via social media
– inclusion (or not) in gallery events

Some five years ago, I spent around a year touring galleries in surrounding counties that (from their websites at least) looked as if they sold original contemporary prints. It is so important to visit the gallery to check whether this is actually the case. Eventually, I did manage to find a couple that took a few prints, but that does not amount to promotion and support.

So much for the potential negatives. Here’s some really positive news!

In September. I got the chance to take some of my prints along to an interesting gallery in The Cotswolds – Little Buckland Gallery, near Broadway in Worcestershire.When it came to talking about my work, the conversation continued in the same vein. The gallery owner loved my work, and was very supportive of my experimentations in printmaking. It did help that she is also an artist (a very good painter) and had recently started attending printmaking sessions.

Little Buckland Gallery

Little Buckland Gallery supports its artists very well. In turn, all the artists support the gallery and all the other gallery artists through events and via social media. I am very pleased to announce that I am now one of those gallery artists!


Above: more views of the gallery

Above centre: one of my ‘Treasure’ pieces in the gallery

Above: one of my ‘Metallics’ pieces, also on display in the gallery


If you live in the Cotswolds, or plan to visit the area (if allowed), why not pop in and visit the Little Buckland Gallery. It showcases the work of painters, printmakers, sculptors, ceramcists and glass artists. It really is a lovely gallery in a beautiful area.

Little Buckland Gallery 
Little Buckland
WR12 7JH