Yesterday, I went along to see the work of our Ropewalk Print Room group as part of a brilliant public exhibition in Hull.

The exhibition, InPrint, was organised by Rob Moore from Studio Eleven Gallery in the city, and included printmaking in almost every conceivable form, from regional, national and international practitioners. The standard was exceptionally high, so I was delighted to have a print selected, alongside those of around ten of my fellow Ropewalk printmakers. Rosie Millard, Chair of Hull: City of Culture 2017, was on hand to officially open the exhibition at Studio Eleven. The two-venue show continued at a quarter of a mile away at the larger venue, Hull School of Art and Design, where my print and the greater number of exhibits were on view.

The significance of the show is that it acts as the precursor to an ambitious plan to hold a large-scale and city-wide show, across multiple venues in hull, during Hull’s 2017 City of Culture celebrations. If Rob and co. are successful in getting this mammoth show organised, it will help to put printmaking right at the heart of those activities and in front of a massive international audience.

Hull – my print on show at InPrint 2015

Print Stories: '6x6' print from poured varnish plate – red oxides/gold

‘Channel’ – my selected print at InPrint 2015, yesterday. Location: Hull School of Art and Design.

InPrint exhibition in Hull – my print on show

June Barker: 'The Deep'

Above: fellow Ropewalk printmaker June Barker, with her lovely print ‘The Deep’

Hull School of Art and Design – InPrint venue 2015

Almost as exciting as seeing my work on display was the sight of so many beautiful prints by other printmakers and artists. Whilst some used a very intense, but limited colour palette to great effect, others pared the use of colour right back to focus on shape and texture, forcing the viewer to look ever closer into the image. Great stuff, which will help me to develop new ideas in my own work.


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