They’re ready. It’s now less than three weeks to the opening of my show. The 60 images prints that will make up my Anomalies exhibition next month have been framed, wrapped and stored, ready to be transported to The Ropewalk in early September. As organised as I may have been up to this point, there’s still stuff to do. Today, I booked a van to transport the frames to the gallery and The Ropewalk very kindly arranged for some help in hanging the prints.

Framed and ready?! Mounting blocks behind some of the images

Back of one of the small images ready for wall mounting, which looks like…

Framed and ready?! One of the small images being prepared for transportation to storage


Framed and ready?! Bubble wrap for protecting framed images

More supplies

Framed and ready?! Wrapped frames in garage

More framed images, ready to go into storage


A little(ish) list

I’m now starting a long list of things I need to take:

Prints from the garage
Prints from storage
Sample plates
Plate-making materials
Plate-making tools
Vinyl lettering
Old plastic card for applying vinyls
Folder with wall plans
Camera bags and tripod
Tape measure
Masking tape
Fully charged phone and camera batteries
Phone charger
Take promo film on memory stick

The list isn’t yet finished – there are bound to be more things to take. As I’m not usually a well-organised person, making lists are the only way I have to make sure I don’t forget something crucial.

To date, I’ve made around ten trips to a storage facility and used around six rolls of bubble wrap on the frames. This has relieved the pressure on space in my home, but increased my costs and mileage. The only way to bring all this to an end? It’s easier said than done, but I need to SELL SOME PRINTS!


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In the meantime, please have a look at a filmed introduction on my printmaking, shot at The Ropewalk earlier this year. You can see it on:

You Tube

Follow the story of the exhibition at: #Anomalies16

Find all my posts about Art Printworks stories on Twitter at: #artprintstories